Alkohollinjen (alcohol helpline)
If you want support in changing your alcohol habits or if you are worried about someone else.
Open non-holiday weekdays. Monday–Thursday 11:00–19:00 (11 AM to 7 PM), Fridays 11:00–16:00 (11 AM to 4 PM).
Phone 020 84 44 48
Anhöriglinjen (helpline for family members)
A national helpline run by Anhörigas riksförbund. If you need support in your role as a family member. Phone 0200 23 95 00
Bris (Children’s Rights in Society)
Bris – support for adults. Phone 0771 50 50 50
Bris – support for sports coaches regarding children. Phone 077 440 00 42
Bris - support for children and young people up to 18 years of age. Telephone 116 111 116 111
Now you can text with Bris and the number is 116 111. It's free, you're always anonymous and Bris doesn't see your phone number.
Brottsofferjouren (crime victim helpline)
Support if you have been the victim of a crime, if you are related to a victim of a crime, or if you have been a witness to a crime.
Phone 116 006
Dopingjouren (doping)
Provides information, help, and support. Questions can be asked via the form on the website.
Droghjälpen (drug helpline)
For everyone affected by drugs. Information, advice, and support if you are questioning your drug habits or if you are worried about someone you care about.
Mondays 09:00–19:00 (09 AM to 7 PM) and Thursdays 09:00–16:00 (09 AM to 4 PM).
If the line is busy, you can leave your phone number and be called back or stay on the line.
Phone 91 91 91
Giftinformationscentralen (The poison information centre)
Answers questions about acute poisonings 24/7.
In an emergency, always call 112 and ask for poison information.
When it is less urgent, call 010 456 6700
The helpline is an anonymous and free support service for those over 18 who are in a crisis, difficult life situation, have suicidal thoughts and experience psychological problems.
The helpline offers professional support around the clock, all year round, for both you who are looking for support for your own well-being and for relatives.
Telephone. 90390
If you have problems getting through to 90390, you can try 08-52449910
Jourhavande medmänniska (on-call fellow human)
If you need human support at night.
Open every day 21:00–06:00 (9 PM to 06 AM)
Phone 08 702 16 80
Chat with an on-call fellow human being
Jourhavande präst (on-call priest)
Open to everyone needing human support at night. Whoever answers is bound by confidentiality, and you can be anonymous.
Call 112 and ask to speak with the on-call priest.
On the website for the Priest on Duty you will also find a digital mailbox and chat.
Jourhavande präst (on-call priest)
Kvinnojouren online (women’s helpline)
Kyrkans SOS (SOS of the church)
If you want to talk about the difficult things with a fellow human being.
Open weekdays 13:00–21:00 (1–9 PM) and weekends/holidays 16:00–21:00 (4–9 PM) 365 days a year.
Phone 031 800 650
You can also send an e-mail to the emergency inbox..
Kvinnofridslinjen (women’s helpline)
If you have been subjected to violence or threats.
Open 24/7.
Phone 020 50 50 50
Mansjouren (The men's emergency room)
Mansjouren is a non-profit association that listens and provides conversational support to men who need to talk to someone to find their way forward in life.
A national helpline that you can call if you feel that you’ve lost control of your sexuality, if you feel concerned about your thoughts and actions, or if you’re afraid that you might harm yourself or others. The call is free and does not show up on your phone bill.
Phone 020-66 77 88
Refugee Line
If you have fled war or some other crisis and are currently located in Sweden. Sunday through Thursday 18:00–21:00 (6–9 PM)
Phone 020 150 110
RFSU (Swedish Association for Sexuality Education)
Chat function where you can ask questions about sex and relationships and get personal answers from a midwife, sexologist, sexuality educator, or psychologist.
Stödlinjen (gambling helpline)
Offers free self-help meetings for gamblers and family members.
Phone 08 37 43 00
SPES (Suicide prevention survivor support)
Helpline if you have lost someone to suicide.
Phone 020 18 18 00
Storasyster (Big sister)
Big Sister offers support to those who have been victims of rape or other sexual abuse. Works to support and increase knowledge for an equal society free from sexual violence.
You can find their support functions here at Storasyster (Big sister); such as email, chat, counseling, support groups, etc. With the link, you will also find support as a relative.
Stödlinjen (gambling helpline)
For gamblers and family members. Are you worried about your own or someone else’s gambling for money? Call or chat. It’s free, and you can be anonymous.
Open weekdays 09:00–17:00 (09 AM to 5 PM)
Phone 020 81 91 00
Stödlinjen för män (The support line for men)
The support line for men is a national support telephone for those who have been subjected to threats and violence in close relationships or sexual violence. Relatives and professionals are also welcome to call.
The support line for men is open every day from 7am to 9pm. The call costs nothing and does not appear on the phone bill.
Phone: 020 80 80 80
Tjejzonen (The girl zone)
The chat
Here you can talk about what feels important to you and you can ask exactly what questions you want. You can share your problems, feelings and thoughts. Everything is anonymous.
You can chat as much and as often as you want. You do not need to provide any information about yourself. Chat
The eating disorder chat
Here sit specially trained Big Sisters who are there for you who have questions about food, weight, body or exercise. They have received basic training from Tjejzonen, but are neither experts nor psychologists.
You don't have to have a diagnosis or look a certain way to chat - your weight doesn't matter. You are equally welcome regardless of whether you are in treatment or not. You who have recovered from an eating disorder are also welcome. The eating disorder chat.
Open all week, Monday-Sunday 8pm-10pm.
Unga Lukas (Young Lukas)
Young Luka's anonymous chat is open to those aged 13-25 who need someone to listen.
You are anonymous and you decide for yourself what you want to talk about. No restrictions. At any time during the chat, you can log out. You choose. We want you to feel that the chat is a safe space, which gives you the space and time you need. A damage-free place.
We are open Monday to Thursday at 19-22.
Unga relationer (Young relationships) is a national support and knowledge platform to counter violence in young people's partner relationships.
Young people up to the age of 20 can turn here, regardless of whether they are exposed to violence, are the one who exposes or are a friend of someone who is exposed/exposes someone.
For example, do you feel worry, anxiety or fear in your relationship? Are you thinking about things like jealousy, violence and control, or wondering what makes a good relationship? Do you have a friend who is with someone and wondering if it's a good relationship?
Open at 20-22 and is completely anonymous and free.
Ätstörningslinjen (eating disorder helpline)
A national eating disorder helpline through Frisk & Fri. Call with any questions or concerns surrounding eating disorders.
A national eating disorder helpline through Frisk & Fri. Call with any questions or concerns surrounding eating disorders. 020 20 80 18
If you are a family member who needs support, phone 020 12 50 85