If you are not feeling well, try to tell someone about it!

If you’re struggling, it’s important that you share your feelings with someone. Even if your experience is very intense for you, it may not be obvious to others. After all, what is felt on the inside is not always visible on the outside.

While you may not be able to share or describe everything you’re feeling, a few words are often enough. Those words give your surroundings a chance to help you. Because help is available. You are not alone.


When you suspect that someone around you is not feeling well, dare to ask questions! 

If you feel that someone around you is not acting quite like him or herself, it’s always worth asking: How are you? 

Remember, your question carries no risk and can really pay off. If nothing is wrong, you’ve only been nice. If something is wrong, you may have helped save a life. So, don’t hesitate – just ask! 


If someone tells you how they are feeling, listen!

If someone around you starts to talk about their mental or inner state, it’s important to show that you can and dare to listen.

You don’t need to feel that you must say or do the right things. Simply listening goes a long way. Genuinely trying to share that person’s perceived situation for a moment can make a big difference. Have faith in your capability. You are in this situation because someone close to you trusts you. 


If someone opens up to you, respect their story!

If someone shares that they’re not feeling well, it’s important that you listen to what they’re saying tactfully and with great respect. Even if what you hear may not seem very difficult to you, the experience is often very intense for the person sharing it. 

If you hear something that you don’t know how to respond to or handle, ask questions like: What would you like me to do with the information you have given me?

I want to help you in a way that you are okay with, so what would you like me to do?

Try to accommodate the person’s wishes as far as possible, but never agree to keep quiet about any suicidal thoughts. 
